Akira has been well except for a minor illness in December that was resolved by a bout of antibiotics. We are now preparing to move into a new apartment with him. I think he'll be much happier there since he won't have to climb dreadful stairs to access our room and he'll have a small balcony.
This year we won't be travelling with him for the holidays, he'll be staying with my in-laws close to the Swiss border. I hope they will fatten him up a bit!

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Zoomies in the sand |
Akira va bien sauf pour une mystérieuse maladie au mois de décembre et qui a disparu grâce aux antibiotiques. On le prépare à déménager dans un nouvel appartement où je crois qu'il se sentira mieux: il n'y aura plus d'escaliers pentus et il aura un petit balcon.

Coucou Akira et famille, nous sommes contentes de decuvrir votre blog !
Amities de Flo, Nana, et Uyanga.
See the full collection of the playboy photos here -
Adorable german shepherd
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